It all starts with You

Valentine’s Day! The day of love with red confetti in the air and the aroma of caramel coffees with a whiff of love all around . It is a day dedicated to celebrating “Love” with roses which denote a different expression for every color and promises that are made with crimson cheeks and sweaty hands. Or perhaps how the new generation has a bias of dedicating each day of a week that embodies a new fragment of expressing love .

There is a myth attached to Valentine’s day that it is only for couples.There is nothing wrong in celebrating the day with the ones you love, your friends,and your family.It is not necessary to have a romantic connection with anyone to celebrate this day so if you want to mark this day you can go out on lunch with your family or go to a fun theme park with your friends.

The new chiche of making this day only about romance frequently results in a crowd of people who belittle the profoundness of self-love. A nagging fear of either not fitting in or not wielding enough power to be able to love and be loved.

This valentine’s day be your own valentine. Explore yourself and take a day to love yourself as you should be the first one on your priority list. Here are some things to remind you that you deserve all the love in the world and eminently the one you give yourself.

It all starts with ‘YOU’

As cliché as it may sound, ‘you can’t love another until you learn to love yourself.’ You always come first! While many feel that self-love is selfish, it is not.

We devote ourselves to caring and loving other people and we often tire ourselves out. We need to rejuvenate that energy. No, I am not talking about the old mantras of pampering oneself with spa and shopping or other materialism. While that may be refreshing, let us take a while to observe what brings us inner contentment and make time for it in our schedule.

You are good enough! 

It is high time you stop begging for compassion and love. Rather take a breather and recognize that you don’t have any unrealistic expectations and they are just bare necessities you are asking for. It’s all about mindset and believing in the art of self love and being satisfied with who you are. Instead of dwelling on your flaws, accept them and make peace with them.

Mistakes? It’s okay. You are human.

Everyone has their fair share of mistakes. They do not make you any less worthy. What if you fail while walking the path of life — it is perfectly human to fail. Accept them, rectify them. One cannot run away from the experiences that shape us.

Stop beating yourself up and start to do what you like irrespective of what people say or think about your decision. You do not need to have it all together to find love and more importantly to love yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion and forgiveness  that you treat others with.

You’re beautiful, remember that.

Most people are walking around hating themselves. We all have imperfections. Comparing ourselves to others will only leave us feeling inferior. It creates a void that we generally try to fill  with a need to change ourselves to become ‘competent’ to be loved and accepted. You do not need to copy that walk or hairstyle.

You are your own person. Your connection with yourself is what makes you beautiful. Your differences make you special and unique that separates you from the crowd. You are beautiful in your own skin and the more you learn to value yourself the less chance the others get to drive you over the edge.

It makes you a better person.

Self-love helps you to know yourself better. You are your own motivator, your own advisor and above all you are enough and everything around is mere things.

You strive to be the best version of yourself. You can fight your dark thoughts better, gain confidence and always have your best friend cheer you up. You do not hide the parts that you think are unlovable but try to resolve your doubts, to become better, to rectify those shortcomings.

It is not easy but it is beautiful.

Self-love for a majority of the population does not come easy. I am sure that this is not the first time that someone has told you that Self-Love is important. Being told that self love is important is not enough to start accepting that it comes with time and embracing life as it is.

The benefits of self-love are numerous. Confidence, self-respect, compassion, trust, resilience, motivation.

Self-Love helps you to be who you are and not what the world expects you to be. Love yourself, know yourself. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Take help if needed. It is crucial to believe in oneself. To love what we are and what we do.

This Valentine’s day, set up a date with yourself, treat yourself with some goodies as you enjoy doing what gives you the most pleasure. Note down the things that you are proud about. Set your boundaries and distance yourselves from the toxicity around. A cup of hot chocolate or a bubble bath might just be the thing to take a break for yourself. And lastly don;t forget to give yourself all the unfiltered love you deserve.

Editor: Himanshi Chauhan

Visual content: Simar Punni




Kashish is a business undergrad at Shoolini university. She believes that mindset and self belief is what it takes to get what we want in life. Her love for the universe makes her feel powerful, limitless and grateful. <3

Ananya Mehindru

Ananya Mehindru


Ananya Mehindru is a nineteen-year-old student at Shoolini University. Currently in the first year of BA LLB. Besides her goal to be an advocate, she has a great thirst for classic novels and plays.

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