Feminism: How equal is equal ? Despite being the world’s most effective vis-à-vis revolutions of humankind , it is almost blasphemous to put feminism and cult under the same roof. Or maybe that too is just up for a challenge. Sound Of Muse – Pavement of Feminism Feminism, coined in 1837 by philosopher Charles Fourier …
Berries- Treats amidst the Greens
Strawberries are like souvenirs to me. They send me flashbacks of my childhood weekends when I used to watch “Strawberry Shortcake” first thing in the morning. That’s what made me fall in love with strawberries, even though I haven’t tasted them yet. Yeah! My bad. To be really honest and serious, why would these tiny …
A sign of hope for the Great Barrier Reef
It was Sunday morning and me? Scrolling through the feeds of every possible being. However, it came to an end when I came across a CNN post filled with a symphony of colors which quickly caught my attention. So while going through it for a while I came to know that it was based upon …
Irony of Motivational Quotes
Have you ever been emotionally gripped by an inspirational quote, got inspired by it and tried inculcating it in your daily life but ended up getting more demotivated? Well we all have, in one way or the other. Such quotes seem succinct, but just because they are succinct, do they really benefit us in the …
Breaking the Stereotype that Research can be done only in Science and how!
DISCOVERING HOW TO BREAK THE STEREOTYPE THAT RESEARCH CAN ONLY BE DONE IN SCIENCE! What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word research? Most of us believe that we can only conduct research in science. But have you ever wondered whether it’s true or not? Is it necessary to …
Breaking the Stereotype that Research can be done only in Science and how! Read More »
Celebrating Women who have succeeded in various fields by being creative
To the poems and stories that never got written, to the paintings that never got a canvas, to thescientific inventions that could have been, to the better and more practical solutions to problemsthat the world lost out on, all because, for centuries, women never got a chance. We are lucky tobe born in an age …
Celebrating Women who have succeeded in various fields by being creative Read More »
Anxiety Disorder –Rx: Rewire Your Brain
It was probably the most dreadful news a parent could wake up to: ‘a 14-year-old child in Std 9th in Betul, M.P. committed suicide because he missed his school bus’. This unfortunate event took place not because the child felt the pressure of life and studies, but literally because he missed his bus. The ‘Kota …
It all starts with You
Valentine’s Day! The day of love with red confetti in the air and the aroma of caramel coffees with a whiff of love all around . It is a day dedicated to celebrating “Love” with roses which denote a different expression for every color and promises that are made with crimson cheeks and sweaty hands. …
Epic Romances × Reality Check
Roses are red, violets are blue, romance films can be money-spinning cathedrals of love, but we’ll try not to spoil it for you. Did anyone write 365 letters to you, one for each day of the year? If yes, then count yourself lucky, if not, then also count yourself lucky; there is a full, unanimously …
The Science behind Indian food
When tasting Indian food, you can immediately tell there is something unique about it, despite your culinary expertise. It somehow has the power to be powerful yet satisfying, potent however fulfilling, completely different nevertheless wondrous. Indian food is tasty, healthy, and continually contains the nicest spices. The Taste of Exotic India What makes Indian food …